Top 5 Reasons Why Pittsburgh Homeowners and Businesses Choose Epoxy Flooring Solutions


Epoxy flooring has gained popularity among Pittsburgh homeowners and businesses, and it's easy to see why. This versatile and durable flooring solution provides numerous benefits, making it an ideal choice for various applications. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 reasons why Pittsburgh locals increasingly choose epoxy flooring solutions for their properties.

1. Durability and Longevity

One of the primary reasons Pittsburgh property owners opt for epoxy flooring is its exceptional durability. The unique combination of epoxy resin and hardener creates a robust, seamless surface that can withstand heavy foot traffic, machinery, and harsh chemicals. Epoxy flooring is designed to resist wear, impact, and abrasions, making it a long-lasting solution suitable for residential and commercial environments.

In Steel City, where industrial and manufacturing activities are strong, a durable flooring solution like epoxy is an invaluable asset. With proper installation and maintenance, epoxy flooring can last over 20 years, making it a cost-effective choice for Pittsburgh properties.

2. Resistance to Stains and Chemicals

Another advantage of epoxy flooring is its resistance to stains, spills, and chemicals. Its seamless, non-porous surface prevents liquids from penetrating the floor, making it easy to clean and maintain. This is particularly beneficial for businesses in Pittsburgh that deal with chemicals, such as automotive shops, laboratories, or manufacturing facilities. Homeowners also appreciate epoxy flooring's stain resistance, especially in garages and basements where spills are common.

3. Customizable Aesthetics

Epoxy flooring offers a wide range of customizable colors, patterns, and finishes, enabling Pittsburgh property owners to create a unique and visually appealing floor that complements their space. From solid colors and metallic finishes to decorative flake systems, there's an epoxy flooring style to suit every taste. This versatility makes it easy for Pittsburgh locals to design a floor that reflects their personality or matches their brand identity.

4. Enhanced Safety

Safety is paramount, whether at home or in a commercial setting. Epoxy flooring provides a slip-resistant surface that helps reduce the risk of accidents. Additionally, its seamless design eliminates the potential for tripping hazards, such as cracks or gaps in the flooring. Epoxy floors can also be enhanced with anti-static properties, which is crucial for Pittsburgh businesses that handle sensitive electronic equipment. The added safety benefits of epoxy flooring make it a reliable choice for Pittsburgh property owners.

5. Easy Maintenance and Environmentally Friendly

Epoxy flooring is low-maintenance and easy to clean, making it a practical choice for busy Pittsburgh homeowners and businesses. Regular sweeping and mopping with a mild detergent are enough to keep the floor looking its best. Moreover, epoxy flooring is an eco-friendly option as it extends the life of existing concrete floors, reducing the need for replacement and minimizing waste. High-quality epoxy coatings are also low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), promoting better indoor air quality and a healthier environment.


With its exceptional durability, stain, and chemical resistance, customizable aesthetics, enhanced safety features, and ease of maintenance, epoxy flooring has become a preferred choice for Pittsburgh homeowners and businesses. As a locally-owned and operated epoxy flooring service, Ascent Epoxy Pittsburgh is committed to providing high-quality, affordable, and stunning epoxy flooring solutions tailored to the needs of the Pittsburgh community. Contact us today to learn how epoxy flooring can benefit your property and transform your space.


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